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After Alpha Grow Group





Trinity Philos Community Hub

Castle Street, Montrose DD10 8AQ, UK

At Montrose Trinity, we want to find out what God is saying to us. How much He loves us, why Jesus died for us, how God wants us to live and behave. As well as attending our weekly worship services, many people enjoy exploring these topics in smaller groups. For this, we have Grow Groups.

So what is a Grow Group? 

This is a chance to get together as a small group, read scripture, watch faith-based videos and discuss our beliefs over a cup of tea. For example, the Thursday Morning Group has been reading the bible a bit at a time, then sharing what they have learned or what they have found difficult or encouraging.  

Growing faith is the aim of the Grow Group.  If you have just finished an Alpha course or would like to learn more about the Christian faith then why not join in?  You can contribute as much or as little as you wish in an informal setting with like-minded people.  And of course, the usual cuppa is served!   

Follow this link to read the Basis of Team ministry

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Montrose Trinity Church, 127 High Street, Montrose, DD10 8QN

©2023 Montrose Trinity Church of Scotland

Registered Scottish Charity No. SC009934

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