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One Holiday Club down, one to go. â€‹

The Big Top Little Top Club has gone very well along with all the numerous activities that make up Summer Mission Week at Trinity Church @ Steeple.  Thanks are due to all the helpers who made it such a success.

Starting on 8th July , it's the turn of Sporty Kidz at Trinity Church @ Ferryden in the Ferryden Hall.  Preparations are well underway and it should be a fun week for children and adults alike.  And the family fun evening on Wednesday 10th, 6.30-8pm, is not to be missed.  We wish them a great week and pray for fun, safety and friendship for all.

Welcome to Montrose Trinity Church of Scotland, a new church formed in August 2023 from the union of the three Churches of Scotland in and around Montrose: Hillside and Dun, Old and St Andrews, Montrose South and Ferryden.

The church is  moving forward and is now advertising for two new ministers who will work in a team alongside an Ordained Local Minister, currently in post, and a Youth and Families Worker whose post is now also vacant.

There are three Worship Hubs; in Hillside, in Montrose at the Steeple and in Ferryden, with services in each on Sundays, currently commencing at 11am.

Our website provides an introduction to the church. There are numerous activities for young and old and a warm invitation is extended to members and newcomers to join in any of them. 

Through the About/Worship menu you will be able to watch live streamed videos and audio recordings of services.

We have a selection of spaces in various locations which we are happy to hire out.  

If you require any extra information about any of the church services, activities or spaces, please use the contact forms to get in touch.

Follow this link to read the Basis of Team ministry

©2023 Montrose Trinity Church of Scotland

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Montrose Trinity Church, 127 High Street, Montrose, DD10 8QN 

Registered Scottish Charity No. SC009934

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