On Sunday 26th January we meet altogether at 11am in Trinity Church @ Steeple where the sole nominee for the post of Minister B, Rev Michelle McAdoo, will preach. She has travelled from Shetland on Thursday to arrive before the storm. Well done Michelle! Please arrive in good time as names of members and adherents have to be checked on entry for the sake of handing out voting slips. The vote takes place immediately at the end of the service and while the vote is counted teas and coffees will be served in the church. As soon as possible the result is announced. After that we hope that the call will be issued and accepted. All members and friends are then invited to sign the call on their way out or sometime in the following 10 days. Let's pray that all goes according to plan and especially pray that there will be a large attendance to welcome and encourage Michelle.
As this service is in the Steeple, not Ferryden, there will be no live stream on Sunday but we hope to video the service and add it to our YouTube Channel later. I will let you know when that is available via another blog at the start of next week.
Stay safe in this awful weather!