On Sunday 25th August there are services in each hub. At Trinity Church @ Hillside the preacher is Rev Ian Gray, while at Trinity Church @ Steeple we have Rev Brian Oxburgh and at Trinity Church @ Ferryden we have Mr Gavin Drummond. All services start at 11am.
The YouTube link for the live stream from Ferryden which starts at 10.45 am is:
This next week sees the resumption of some of our activities - Lego Church this Sunday, Toddlers and Carers groups on Monday and Thursday and 10:10 has already restarted on Thurdays. Details of all clubs and activities can be viewed on the calendar which is available via the Activities menu on the web site. Why not read about all the things on offer and make a point of coming to some new activity? All church members as well as people from the community are welcome to join in.