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Some Dates for the Diary

Edith Fraser

Tuesday 6th August

You are invited to come along to the third House Group Taster Session led by Rev Brian Oxburgh in the Braoch room at Philos Community Hub, 7-9pm. The theme is "Jesus - a remarkable life - let's explore together", The studies are from Mark's gospel.

Saturday 10th August

Special Session Meeting 9am - 1pm in Philos Community Hub to discuss and prepare the mission plan for the coming year. Elders please attend if possible.

Saturday 17th August

The first "getting to know you" BBQ on 25th July was enjoyed by all. Would you like to come along to the second one on Sat 17th August? From each hub, we are looking for 10 people who want to get to know each other better. Numbers are needed for catering so if you would like to come along please see your Pastoral and Nurture Team Rep - Sheila Mann, Aileen Scott or Anne Tulley. They can fill in the details. - place, time, transport etc.

Sunday 18th August

Joint Service for the three hubs in Trinity Ferryden Church at 11am.

Messy Church restarts 4-5.30pm in Trinity Steeple Halls. Children need to be accompanied by an adult,

Thursday 22nd August

!0:10 restarts in Trinity Ferryden Hall, 7-8.30pm. All young folks 10 and over are invited

Sunday 25th August

Lego Church restarts in Trinity Church Steeple Halls 4-5pm. Children (and adults!) welcome.

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