10:10 Youth Group
Trinity Ferryden Hall
Brownlow Place, Ferryden, Montrose DD10 9RN, UK
What do we do? Well, it’s a really varied programme, everything from games nights, wide games outdoors to lip synch battles and film nights - you’d really have to come along to experience it for yourself!
The group has a fab friendly feel and everyone is made very welcome – you are guaranteed to have a laugh! Each week we have a main event, plus a snack and a Thought for Life (TFL) which is a chance to discuss real life issues and consider them from a Christian perspective.
The name 10:10 comes from the Bible.
John chapter 10 verse 10 says:
I (Jesus) have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.
There is a voluntary donation of £1 per week to cover the cost of snacks.
This is given to our honesty piggy bank who doesn’t bite if you forget to contribute!
Why not come along and give it a try? If you’re not sure where to find us just look out for the feather banner sticking out from the wall opposite the pier at Ferryden.
To register your child for 10:10 Club, please fill in the form at the link below.