On Sunday 21st July we have a JOINT service at 11am in Trinity Church @ Hillside. This has been billed as a Sea Service led by Rev Ian Gray with the Port Chaplain Mr Mike Burleigh speaking. It's an opportunity to get together to worship and so please try to come along. There will be no live stream again this week.
There will be another opportunity to get together on Thursday 25th at a BBQ at High Croft, Usan Road, starting at 1pm. This event has been planned by our Nurture and Pastoral Team with spaces for 10 people from each hub to come along. There are still spaces for this Thursday. If you want to find out more, please speak to any member of the team, including Sheila Mann, Fiona Roberts, Aileen Scott, Helen Campbell, Anne Tulley and Rosemary Horton. They can help you with what to bring, transport arrangements and hopefully assure you that no-one will be left outside if it is cold and/or wet! The purpose of the event is simply to get to know our fellow members better. Another BBQ is planned for Saturday 17th August but that will depend on whether or not there is a desire to get together.
Also on Sunday evening, Up and Alive, 7pm, Trinity Philos Community Hub, another video of a speaker from Spring Harvest.
Monday 22nd - Friday 26th July
Lego Club will run in Trinity Philos Community Hub, 10am - 12 noon. There are still a few places left for Friday. So drop Jamie an e_mail on MYPlaceAD@outlook.com to register.
Tuesday 23rd July
Chatty Knitters, 10am - 12noon, in Trinity Steeple Hall
Taster studies in Mark's gospel, "Jesus - a remarkable life - let's explore together", led by Rev Brian Oxburgh at 7pm in Trinity Philos Community Hub.
Wednesday 24th July
Tea, coffee and a chat, 10.00am - 12 noon, in Trinity Church @ Hillside
Philos Friendship Cafe, 1- 3pm, Trinity Philos Community Hub.
Quiet Hours in Trinity Church @ Steeple, 3 - 4pm and 7.30 - 8.30pm
Thursday 25th July
BBQ, 1pm, High Croft, Usan Road (as above)
Parish Prayer Meeting, 7 - 8pm, in Trinity Philos Community Hub.